until proven guilty? Not a relevant phrase in the world of NFL commissioner,
Roger Goodell. Yesterday, the public was finally given a decision from
Goodell on Tom Brady's appeal of the 4 game suspension he was given this past
May. This punishment was handed down to Brady personally, along with a $1
million fine and the loss of two future draft picks on the New England Patriots
team. These punishments came as a result of the highly insubstantial Wells
Report. All of this comes back to the AFC championship game vs the Colts, which
by the way, the Patriots won 45-7. Next thing you know, the Patriots were
being accused of deflating footballs. There is so much wrong with the
entire "Deflategate" situation and the handling of it by the league.
I could go on and on about each flawed basis of the circumstances but to
keep things short and sweet, I'll stay focused on four key points that I feel
the need to address, especially for those that talk, talk, talk, without any
knowledge of the actual situation.
Where is the evidence?
time super bowl champion, Tom Brady, is being blamed for and accused of having
knowledge of purposeful deflation of the footballs used in the Patriots' AFC
championship game vs the Indianapolis Colts this past season. This blame
is being assigned to one of the NFL's greatest ever with no hard evidence. What
is the basis of the accusatory claims toward Tom Brady? The answer is
speculation and the Wells report which, if we are being honest with ourselves,
is simply more speculation. The report stated that it was "more
probable than not" that Tom Brady was "generally aware" of
football deflation having taken place. The laughable qualities of that
claim are so strong. The ridiculousness of the penalties being put on Tom Brady
and the Pats based on these empty accusations is so over the top and extremely
2. Where
evidence is lacking, inconsistence can be easily found.
is with the inconsistence that we are getting from the NFL within the last
couple years? Do people realize that the 4 game suspension being given to
Tom Brady for possible knowledge of football deflation is the same
punishment that Goodell gave to Greg Hardy, defensive end for the Dallas
Cowboys, after he was convicted of both threatening and assaulting his ex
girlfriend. Just in case the inconsistence hasn't set in yet, let me
remind you, we are talking about air pressure
vs inexcusable violence. On top of that, let me further remind
you, the NFL has yet to present any hard evidence of any possible wrongdoing on
the end of quarterback, Tom Brady. The inconsistence that the league is
providing is astonishing to me and completely ridiculous.
3. Where
does Goodell get off dragging TB12's reputation through the mud???
all of the terrible crime and reprehensible behavior that has come out of NFL
players throughout the league, it is a downright shame that a hard working man
who has consistently exhibited good and honest character, as Tom Brady has, is
being constantly accused and berated by the NFL commissioner and the
media. On top of his character, the incredible talent and accomplishments
of Brady are being diminished by those that accuse him and those that are
eager to watch him fall to the accusations. Lucky for Patriots fans as myself,
Brady is not one to succumb to the situation.
Cell phone "destroyed"? That's what they're going with???
this point, can't we all agree that phrases like this one headlined by the NFL
and its media supporters is likely to be highly exaggerated? It is
designed to draw attention and get people talking. As Brady
addressed earlier today, he was simply in the market for a new phone. He
has also made it clear that he was not going to ever turn over his phone, nor
was he obligated to, by any means. The league has no lawful right to his
phone. Despite this, Goodell and the league are using the phrase
"destroyed his cell phone" to give the impression of destruction of
evidence….can you smell the desperation? Tom Brady posted the following
statement in a Facebook post he made earlier today:
"Most importantly, I have never written, texted, emailed
to anybody at anytime, anything related to football air pressure before this
issue was raised at the AFC Championship game in January. To suggest that I
destroyed a phone to avoid giving the NFL information it requested is
completely wrong."
He later goes on to say, "Regardless, the NFL knows that
Mr. Wells already had ALL relevant communications with Patriots personnel that
either Mr. Wells saw or that I was questioned about in my appeal hearing. There
is no 'smoking gun' and this controversy is manufactured to distract from the
fact they have zero evidence of wrongdoing."
I think it is safe to say that Goodell has reached a new low.
In conclusion to all this, I fully believe Tom Brady is innocent
and his innocence should be recognized by the league. It is so ridiculous
to me that even without a single speck of hard evidence, Goodell continues to
uphold Brady's four game suspension, standing by the idea of disbelief in
his innocence. Another statement that Brady made in his Facebook post
earlier today is reassuring for Patriots fans and NFL fans alike: "I will
not allow my unfair discipline to become a precedent for other NFL players
without a fight." The NFLPA stands by Tom Brady as the case will be
taken to federal court. In the face of adversity, TB12 continues to show the
world that he will not be defeated. He is a winner and people hate that
about him. People are so filled with jealousy that they are eager to watch him
fall. I believe that in the end they will all come to find that the joke's
on them.
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